There Are Almost No Places That Are Unvisited by Caddy with Her Airwheel Intelligent Scooter

Abstract: Caddy's association with the Airwheel intelligent scooter could be dated back to four years ago when her parents gave her as her 6-year-old birthday present. And there is no exaggeration to say that there are almost no places that are unvisited by Caddy with her scooter.

Caddy's association with the Airwheel intelligent scooter could be dated back to four years ago when her parents gave her as her 6-year-old birthday present. Since then, she was almost wedded to her new friend-the Airwheel electric scooter and would take it anywhere if she could. The time spent with the scooter, to some extent, was longer that that she had been with her parents due to their overloaded work. And there is no exaggeration to say that there are almost no places that are unvisited by Caddy with her scooter.


During the days she went to primary school, she usually rode her Airwheel intelligent scooter there no matter when it was winter or summer. In summer, she regarded her as lucky not to have to take the bus on the way to school or home so that she wouldn't be obliged to wait in the scorching sunlight for the bus fully packed with passengers to come.

And the stories she encountered on the street could be shared with her friends at school and her parents at home afterwards to enhance their relationship in-betweens.


At weekends, she was accustomed to accomplish her homework in the morning. When she found her shoulder ached and the muscles of her neck stiff, she would take her self-balancing scooter out with her downstairs to do some exercises and take a breath of the fresh air. As for the afternoon, it was usually spent with her best friends either for a meeting in the public square or for a picnic. Whatever the place they might choose, the partner-her Airwheel scooter would definitely follow her.

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